When we take a good look at
the word borrow, and what is the meaning; it can be seen and defined
in various ways: for example borrowing something from someone, or
borrowing money, and to borrow some form of literature from someone
else etc….. Now, when we take a good look at the word time; we
would immediately think of a clock, seasons, appointments, and
historical periods, and so on etc….
Now, when we put the two
words together it gives a completely different meaning in itself: for
example a person who is diagnosed with an ailment and has no cure can
be looked upon as a person living on borrowed time; figuratively
speaking! Only I wish to set the tone and the concept in an area of
thought: that the entire world does not really consider time to have
any affect at all; because time is of no essence to them: time is
just time.
This would be an area that
some or few religious people can concur with; and I’m speaking in
the spiritual sense of living life on borrowed time. One thing that
we all need to be aware of, is that this entire world is living life
on borrowed time without a doubt; because at any given moment, or
better yet at any given time our Heavenly Father will put it upon
Himself that time is up, and enough is enough. One great example
would be when our Heavenly Father destroyed the first world was in
the time of Noah (Gen.6:5-7;7:17-19).
God being full of patience,
and mercy gives the entire world opportune time to redeem themselves
from their evil works; as everyone has fallen short of His grace. Yet
to those who belong to Him must never forget this, and recognize
where they came from. This is explained by the apostle Peter in his
second letter to all Christians in general: he warns the godly, for
the long patience of God, to hasten their repentance. Basically, it
means that we should always be ready and if not we need to consider
how to salvage our own salvation long before judgment
day(2Pe.3:8-9)but beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that
one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as
one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men
count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that
any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. In
reference to the passage that we just read we can go back to what
King David wrote as a prophecy in the frailty, and the fragility of
human life (Ps.90:4)For a thousand years in thy sight are but as
yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
Its quite obvious, and very
evident that time is not ours to begin with; specially with the two
passages we just read telling us other wise: it clearly states that
time [by His authority] belongs to God. How can we as humans measure
up to time when we being trapped in this; running out of time; world
as if nothing is going on. When in reality something is going on and
not all know this, and if they do; they just don’t care.
In the passage of
(2Pe.3:9)Peter tells all who is of interest; who God is, and what He
is doing, and what He has done, and will remain doing till laps of
time is no more. As far as I am concerned, it’s the only way out
for all to take and rely on; because we are living on borrowed time.
This is time that we as humans can not afford to take advantage of;
just as many rely on time, and quite often old clichés come to mind:
for instance “killing time”, “time is a wasting”, or “time
is of no essences”, and “time is money“. Who are we to assume,
or even consider that time is ours: lets refer to what our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ always claimed during his ministry and I quote
“repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”(Mk.1:15) this passage
gives the inclination that time is near its end, and in the book of
(Jo.7:6)in the second part of the verse; “your time is always
ready”, and this passage gives the notion that the true worshipers
of God must always be on their toes; and be without slackness and
idleness; because these are considered the devils playground.
I truly believe that with
scientist, evolutionist, and archeologists; who theorize with their
man made ideas are in complete contradiction to the word of God in
full: they find ways to manipulate the mind of Humans and assure them
that time has been around for millions of years, and that it will
never end unless some cosmic proportion evolution may, or might
occur; which to me is preposterous! In concurrence with the word of
God this world has been around for about 6200 thru 6500 years; give
and take a little. Well, enough with the knowledge of this world, and
lets stick to the true knowledge of the world to come, within “ the
word of God”!
Here is words of wisdom that
comes from God in His word: this world needs, and should relate with
this next passage; as it is a warning for all to reckon with, for the
salvation of oneself. (Is.30:1)Woe to the rebellious children, said
the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a
covering, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin. For the
counsel that we read about is the difference in knowledge of the Lord
and this world, and with great emphasis is this: He is the owner of
our borrowed time, yet, He awaits for all to come to His glory, His
Kingdom, His righteousness, by and through His gracious mercy in the
name of Jesus Christ (Is.30:18)And therefore will the Lord wait, that
he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will be exalted, that He
may have mercy upon you: for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed
are all they that wait for Him. (Ps.1:12)Kiss the Son, lest he be
angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a
little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him. Here we
have something to consider: that this next verse would be one of the
blessing that one is given in listening to God’s counsel
(Pr.16:20)He that handles a matter wisely [gives heed unto the word]
shall find good: and whoso trusts in the Lord, happy is he.
How much more do we think we
need to know about how much time we have; I for one think that the
hope we have is enough, but on the other hand we need to know
everything there is to know: despite all the mercies, patience,
forbearance, and long-suffering that our Heavenly Father has; we must
never forget that time is his and not ours. Its a crucial thing that
we must always abide to the word of God; because this is His counsel,
His will, His commandments, and its our life for everlasting time,
and its our hope that we find good pleasure in our Heavenly Father
and not a terror that is against us in any point of our life here in
this world.
This is explained by the
prophet (Jeremiah17:7,17-18)Blessed is the man that trusts in the
Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. Be not a terror unto me: thou are
my hope [refuge] in the day of evil. Let them be confounded that
persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but
let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy
the with double destruction.
This is obviously a rude
awakening for the rest of the world as time is slipping by; and they
not caring for it at all: again to them its just killing time on
borrowed time. This to me, just doesn’t make any sense; for all we
know time has already been shortened from 12 to 9 hours day and
night, and only God knows this because time is His, and its written
in His glorious gospel (Rev8:12;Is.13:10;Am.8:9). In other words he
proposes too what ever seems fit, and to what ever He desires to do:
so, at any given time He will do what ever He wishes to do. We need
to always be aware of this, and be prepared and ready when time is
up: as this was prophesied by the prophet (Habakkuk2:3)For the vision
is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak [and it
haste’s toward the end], and [shall] not lie: though it tarry, wait
for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
In the essences of being
ready; we must stand firm, unmovable, unshakeable, and never ever be
deceived by the falseness that lingers in this dark and perverted
world; because many will fall , and have fallen, and will keep
falling (2Pe3:17); and at the same time many shall have the
opportunity to get purged from their sinful life and be rooted too
flourish fruitfully: from then, to now, and to the end of time
(Dan.11:35)And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them,
and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end:
because it is yet for a time appointed.
One thing that we [true
worshipers of God] must always have is the acknowledgment that we
already know of; who our Heavenly Father is, and we need to hold on
to it forever; because it’s the goodness of God that sets us
straight for His pleasure. If we then know this, and ignore it while
going about our self willed life: where do you suppose this will lead
us? If one is true to God, and we have a remorseful heart, it will
leads to repentance, and have pleasure in God (Ro.2:4-6)Or despises
thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long-suffering;
not knowing that the goodness of God leads us to repentance? But
after the hardness and impenitent heart treasures up unto thyself
wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous
judgment of God; who will render to every man according to his deeds.
We must take heed the
warning that is set there for those who assume that they are saved;
being found in a laid back customs that the vast majority of persons
posses during their life here on earth. Why? Because the idea that
time is on our side is a misconception that most people tend have a
stronghold; they act as if life depended on it. The only thing that I
will say about time; is that it does in fact benefit those who wish
to make some major changes in their lives; this enables them an
opportunity that God is willing to wait for that person.
Yet, I am very aware that
the borrowed time that we are living will in fact come to an end not
only for the entire world, but even more so for those who claim to be
a child of God; as it is stipulated in the book of (Heb10:34-39).
Above all, this is all done with God’s grace and His faith, His
love, and tender mercy. If one is doubtful, a skeptic, or uncertain:
think again and rationalize your decision; because in the eyes of God
you, we, they, all are in error that we just can waste time on. The
unfortunate thing is that with this world would be that they have
grown accustom to the idea that time really does belong to them; and
they have no care for what lies ahead in their future. Metaphorically
speaking, this world can only evolve with what they have been taught
throughout the centuries with the use of clichés, figurative words,
and symbolism; and guess what? They are all words that are made up by
man to deprive man from the real truth concerning borrowed time, or
time in general.
Lets look at the reality of
life based on the word of God, and of course we will find ourselves
in the midst of many passages that pertain to time itself: beginning
with the notion that time is God’s way of showing the inhabitants
of this world that we do not have very much of. We are given many
examples that are in reference to the laps of time for various people
of yesteryear for example in the time of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah,
the Egyptians in the time of Exodus, the Israelite's who turned on
God in the time of Exodus, the Philistines in the time of David, and
many other Empires that fell by the hands of God, and of course there
are many other examples for us to read about that can only solidify
the idea that time is not ours but God’s.
The most important notion
that we have pertaining to time would be God’s holy mercy, the
allowance that He gives the entire world; is the opportunity to
reconcile back to His grace with the deliverance of His Son for the
benefit of all (Ga.4:4-5)But when the fullness of the time was come,
God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to
redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the
adoption of sons. What more is there to say about our borrowed time;
with the inclination that we do in fact have ample time to salvage
what little time we have here on the world.
So we have our hope that
within this borrowed time we be able to give our Heavenly Father back
His borrowed time when He so decides to come for all His children
(Eph.1:10-11)That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He
might gather together in one [sum up] all things in Christ, both
which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him: in whom
also we have obtained an inheritance [we were made a heritage], being
predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things
after the counsel of his own will.
Whether its time or borrowed
time what does it really mean, and what affect does it really have on
certain persons: meaning the two types of persons that exists in this
world; the lost and the saved. To the saved it is for us to patiently
wait for our Heavenly Father and not involve ourselves with what will
be tomorrow (Jam.4:14)Whereas ye know not what shall be on the
morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a
little time, and then vanishes away. As for the lost what is to be
expected of their outcome: being so full of sin and disobedience, and
contradict the word of God. Simply because they are killing time on
their borrowed time.
As I have mentioned time and
time again that time will be no more, and that the borrowed time that
we are living in shall come to naught; is perhaps a lot closer than
one thinks: this is declared by God with the assistance of the Holy
Spirit through the Apostle John in the book of Revelations. Just as
this book give detailed information on just how and what will happen
in the end of time as we know it (Rev.10:6)And swear by Him that
lives for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that
therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the
sea, and the things that therein are, that there should be time no
If you wish to consider
time; consider this: when was the last time that you prayed and
begged God for His mercy, and glorious forgiveness. In consideration,
wouldn’t it be wise to do something about it before its to late.
Always remember who you are and where you came from; but most
importantly keep in mind that the kingdom of God is at hand!
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