the chains of sin
the torment of a person's yesteryear they were living life as though
there was no tomorrow, and without fear in their hearts. In complete
denial of any type of righteousness that would come their way, time
and time again. No regard for no one, but themselves in self
righteous indignation. No remorse for their errors, or their sins;
whether they knew or not they were still guilty of being a dreadful
sinner. Each one of them knows exactly what they did, the way they
behaved, the way they pushed their loved ones away; because they were
right and everyone else was wrong. Being so full of lies, filth,
malicious acts, and the list goes on and on; they know what they are
doing, or rather what they’re capable of doing. Only to satisfy the
evil desires that lingered within their flesh, and this was, and is
being done on a daily basis; with no regard, nor remorse, and maybe a
bit of somewhat guilt; that does run in everyone’s mind. Which is a
leverage of breaking the chains of sin forevermore, in the precept of
what we are entitled of, and that is, the generous invitation of
salvation by the one who truly cares for us, our Father!
is only one remote possibility of a chance that anyone that is a
dreadful sinner might have; if we seek for it the righteous way. As
our Lord Jesus Christ put so plain for all see and understand: when
he was at the end of his sermon on the mount, (Ma.7:7)Ask, and it
will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be
opened to you. How plain and clear he gave the path to those who wish
to break the chains of sin. I for one, not to brag, did eventually
got fed up and tired of the disgusting life I was living; for many
lost and wasted years.
the passage says “ask“, ask who, we ask God of course, and maybe
he will hear your cry. What exactly do we ask for: to be free from
the bonds of satan, and the nightmare that we once lived, and to be
free from the guilt that has us in a gut trenching way of disgust.
“Seek“, seek for what, we therefore seek God’s holy salvation,
for God’s love and mercy: to become a part of His holy Son. We seek
to be sanctified by His Son; who is the only one who can justify and
cleans the filth: that has kept us separated from our Father.
“Knock”, knock where, for who do we expect to find behind the
door, and the door that Jesus explained was and is he; as he explains
it to the multitudes during his ministry (Jo.10:7)Most assuredly, I
say to you, I am the door of the sheep. He also explains it to the
Apostle John in the book of Revelations (Rev.3:20)Behold, I stand at
the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I
will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. Presuming that
the feast is the bread of life; which is also known as the word of
God, and in fact is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
that we have that clear to its true essence: meaning that we now
should have an understanding of how we can break the chains of sin:
which would only be through him [Jesus Christ], and uphold his name
very sternly. So, lets study on to know more of what we need to know
about the chains of sin, and just how we can have God accept and
approve us to His glory. To begin, we need not to be ignorant that we
being in human form [living in the flesh], we are still here where we
are at; in the weakness of our flesh: down right sinners. At any
given time I, you, we can fail, falter, and fall right back to this
dreadful world and its enticements. Only if we are not practicing
what we are supposed to be practicing, and that is living by God’s
will and not our own; because our flesh is weak, but our spirit is
willing. Our Lord Jesus Christ made this known to the Apostle Peter;
when he and his Apostles went to the place called Gethsemane to pray,
and he would find them asleep (Mk.14:38)Watch and pray, lest you
enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is
according to the word of God we have been under rule of our own law
of nature from the very beginning, and this explained by the Apostle
Paul to the Romans(Ro.2:14,15)for when the Gentiles, who do not have
the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not
having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law
written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and
between themselves their thoughts accusing or excusing them.
Unfortunately, as we know it, it was all bad and did not work to no
ones advantage, but satan. That is why we have been searching for the
freedom that our Savior has been offering to everyone. Well, in any
case the Apostle Paul gives a wonderful explanation pertaining to
this lawless law of nature of the flesh that is weak (Ro.8:3-13).
is very important information that everyone needs to keep with them
always, and I mean from the very beginning of our salvation to the
end of either final rest, or when we are delivered to eternal life;
and this is living in accordance to the will of God; that will enable
us to be granted eternal life. The important thing to keep in mind is
that we have one man who came down for this entire world to carry the
sins and put them to death in his flesh. The death of Jesus Christ
who was crucified on the miserable cross, for the benefit of
everyone. Sin was condemned in the flesh by Jesus, and if we have
accepted Jesus we should no longer live for the flesh but live in the
Spirit and sin no more, for the chance of eternal life. Once this is
done we have broken the chains of sin through and for our Savior
Jesus Christ for the glory of God: if we walk in the Spirit and not
in the flesh. We then need to read the word of God and put into
practice what we read; and our reliance is in God through prayer and
complete obedience of God’s will which is all in righteousness and
if we continue to do what we wish to do; which is in contradiction to
the will of God; what do we think we deserve from God? We need to be
very careful just how we live our lives! We do not own ourselves
anymore, so then why do we still do the things that we do? Who do we
think we are to be testing our Father in such ways? Are we greater
than God? God forbid! It does not matter what you think you are doing
if you assume that its okay; when in fact its not. I am talking to
me, to you, to everyone on this matter, as this is a very important
situation. Do we really think that we can save ourselves for that
matter? No we can not! When there is a conflict of doubtful
disputation among ourselves, this needs to stop! If any one is in a
negative confrontation over the matter of righteousness, this needs
to stop! If anyone goes against those who God has put to serve you
and protect your salvation, stop! (Heb.13:17,18)Obey those who rule
over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as
those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with
grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. Pray for us; for we
are confident that we have a good conscience, in all things desiring
to live honorably.
must be really ignorant to even assume that we have gotten away with
some stupid and absurd mistake, error, sin. We need to always be
aware that everything is wide open to our Father and there is nothing
hidden from him. Another thing that we need to keep in mind is the
fact that every time we sin it is not forgotten, therefore written in
the book of judgment; but if we confess all of our sins to our Father
who is just and faithful to forgive us all unrighteousness; he will
pardon us (1Jo.1:9). Then everything gets erased and our name gets
put back on the book of life, but we must not take advantage of this
for any reason at all. The underline statement is that if we commit
any sin we have fallen from God’s holy realm, and have stepped out
of his kingdom. The longer we go from confessing our sins, is the
longer we go without God’s forgiveness, and we are pressed for
time; because we don’t know what is the actual time to our Father.
He at any given time shall say this it, and time is up; the Apostle
Peter wrote of this in his second Epistle to all Christians in
general (2Pe.3:8-11).
me ask you this, do you think that you are able to withstand being
corrected or rebuked for your errors and sins? Even if you think they
are not as bad as you think they are. Well, to our Father anything
that is a contradiction to His will is a sin; because we are then
guilty of breaking His law, and therefore we are still sinning
against Him(1Jo.3:4-10). Do we really want to be guilty of breaking
any of His commandments; which is the will of God. We need to always
remember that we have so much to consider in the way we live life
before God and the rest of the people that surround us on a daily
basis. The bottom line is, if we are still sinning we have not really
grasped what is true and what is right, and therefore we are
deceiving ourselves and making an open shame of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Also, with this being known we therefore give people the
opportunity to blame the religion of God and become a major stumbling
rock for those around us (2Co.6:3)We give no offense in anything,
that our ministry may not be blamed.
we have truly broken the chains of sin lets really live up to what is
expected of us no matter what! Yeah, we will be evil spoken of, but
who cares, and there will be obstacles in the way, how else are we to
grow is spirit and in faith. We must not allow nothing to interfere
with our relationship with God. Lets live up to God’s highest
expectations that He so deserves, honorably, and to His glory. Lets
allow the Spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit continue earnestly
and righteously with us, for us, and in us (Ep.4:22-24)that you put
off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt
according to deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your
mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to
God, in true righteousness and holiness. Lets give it a rest and
remain true and faithful to God. Its really not a lot to ask for; if
we were able to do things of our past so easily why should living up
to God’s standards be so hard for us. As the word of God teaches
us; that it is the new process that we are striving for, only we have
to relinquish old ways to start the new; in order for the true affect
of spiritualism to commence without further a due. We do not know how
long we have here in this miserable world, so, we need to live it
with all purity in respect of our Father and our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. If they have done all this for us we need to be as they
and live as they; not allowing the weakness of our flesh take the
better of us, but allowing what spirituality that has grown thus far
to grow even more to the glory of God.
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